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Achieve the goal, pledge to complete

On the afternoon of January 3, 2021, the managers at or above the supervisory level of factories in Huizhou and Guangzhou held the pledge meeting to achieve the 2021 annual business objectives in Guangzhou head office.

We will strive for a new level of improvement in 2021 by sticking to the past, and strive for a better result in 2020.
Looking forward to 2021, it is a brand new year, and also a year of self challenge. Make unremitting efforts to do the best in the new year's work, and prove your performance with practical actions. Let's work together to make a contribution to the development of the company.
Yu demanded that management personnel at all levels should strengthen site and equipment management to ensure continuous, efficient, stable and safe production of equipment. Although we made some achievements in the last year, we still did not achieve the business objectives set by the company. Therefore, we need to make more efforts to successfully complete the business objectives set by the company in 2021.

In 2021, the company will continue to adhere to the principle of high standards and strict requirements, and carry out work from the aspects of production, cost, safety, quality, equipment maintenance, external coordination, training, energy conservation and environmental protection, internal assessment, establishment and implementation of various systems, etc.; regularly hold staff meetings, strengthen communication with employees, enhance team spirit, and organize workshops to carry out effective learning and training, so as to improve the quality of products Improve the comprehensive knowledge and professional skills of employees.
It is hoped that the management personnel at all levels will actively cooperate with the company to carry out the management landing work, earnestly implement the performance appraisal system, strengthen the internal team construction of the Department, and create a strong and skilled team for the company. Work hard with the staff to accomplish the production task and capacity target assigned by the company at the beginning of the year.

     Finally, chairman Yu wishes all colleagues good health, good luck and happy New Year! Go all out to complete the company's business objectives in 2021, everyone come on!

上一篇: Commendation of excellence and achievement